cosmetic dentistry No. 1, 2023 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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cosmetic dentistry No. 1, 2023

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cosmetic dentistry No. 1, 2023

Cover / Editorial / Content / News / “Nowadays, most of our patients ask for laser treatment” / “Nowadays, most of our patients ask for laser treatment” / The future of dentistry: What will oral care look like in 2040? - Smarter ways of doing dentistry will benefit patients and dental teams / Going it alone as a solo practice with purpose - An interview with Dr Florian Fries / KATANA Zirconia UTML veneers and crown on zirconia implant cemented with PANAVIA Veneer LC / Diastema closure using a direct two-matrix technique / Conservative aesthetic management of white spot fluorosis lesions / Interdisciplinary treatment of an adult patient with worn anterior teeth / Pushing the boundaries with clear aligners: Multidisciplinary treatment planning / Is digital dentistry the solution to the sustainability dilemma? / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
