- Австрия / Österreich
- Босна и Херцеговина / Босна и Херцеговина
- България / България
- Хърватия / Hrvatska
- Чехия & Словакия / Česká republika & Slovensko
- Франция / France
- Германия / Deutschland
- Гърция / ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
- Италия / Italia
- Нидерландия / Nederland
- Скандинавия / Nordic
- Полша / Polska
- Португалия / Portugal
- Румъния & Молдова / România & Moldova
- Словения / Slovenija
- Сърбия & Черна гора / Србија и Црна Гора
- Испания / España
- Щвейцария / Schweiz
- Турция / Türkiye
- Великобритания и Ирландия / UK & Ireland
Събитие 26 - 28 септември 2024
Join the Revolution in Dentistry at the Sofia Dental Meeting 2024!
The Sofia Dental Meeting 2024 is set to take place from September 26-29, 2024, in Sofia, Bulgaria. This premier dental congress attracts renowned experts, practitioners, and researchers from around the globe to share the latest innovations and advancements in dental science and practice. The event features an extensive program of lectures, workshops, and clinical demonstrations, providing attendees with the opportunity to enhance their skills, learn about cutting-edge technologies, and network with industry leaders.
Participants can look forward to hands-on courses that cover various specialties, from implantology and orthodontics to cosmetic dentistry and pediatric care. With sessions led by world-class speakers and interactive learning experiences, the Sofia Dental Meeting is a must-attend event for dental professionals committed to staying at the forefront of their field.
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