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Sofia Dental Meeting



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Събитие 29 септември - 02 октомври 2011

What will make the SOFIA DENTAL MEETING different from others?

You will become witnesses of one very atypical event. It is different not only in organization and scales, but and in whole concept and opportunities for every participant to learn more in the area in which he is interested in. Sofia Dental Meeting is unique dental event which offers you the opportunity to attend at all day lecture by Dr. Henry Salama and all day live clinical demonstration on a patient by Dr. Mauro Fradeani.

The rich scientific program impresses with the most topical themes in all spheres of the dental medicine. The hands on workshops are held in 5 excellent supplied halls, with small dental units, different models, operatory microscopes and the best materials of the world’s leading dental companies
You have also the opportunity to make your own Oral Presentation or Poster and take part at the Scientific Program.

Sofia is a wonderful city in autumn and you will feel its spirit. The Official Gala Cocktail will be held in
the National Gallery of Art, where among the beautiful works of our famous painters we will have a glass of perfect Bulgarian wine. For the accompanied persons there will be nice social program, visiting interesting sites in Sofia and Bulgaria during the beautiful autumn season.

We will be happy to welcome you in Sofia and show you traditional Bulgarian hospitality! 

Congress Fee: 600 USD

(the tax includes congress fee, 4 days accommodation BB in Dedeman Princess Hotel, Gala Cocktail)
Register online now at: 


Dedeman Princess Hotel
131 Maria Luisa Blvd. 1202
Sofia, Bulgaria



Sofia Dental Meeting
"Krum Popov" 62
Sofia 1421
Tel: + 359 2 866 2257
Tel: + 359 888 258 210


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