cosmetic dentistry international - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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cosmetic dentistry international

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cosmetic dentistry international

Cover / Editorial / Content / Midline diastema closure with direct-bonding restorations / Hemisection of a front tooth / Root recession coverage made predictable using resorbable barriers / The benefits of expanding and refurbishing your practice / Word-of-mouth 2.0 / “Once you’ve tried it - you can’t drink anything else” / An interview with Dr Sim Tang Eng - AAAD president / An interview with Hans Geiselhöringer - Head of Global Marketing & Products - Nobel Biocare / Opalescent composite resin / ‘Myth busting’ laser dentistry / Perfect Bleach: Effective and gentle / VITA Easyshade Compact: The new generation in digital shade-taking / CLEARFIL SA CEMENT: Top Self-adhesive Resin Cement of 2010 / The first South Asian cosmetic and aesthetic dental congress / All-ceramics works / Events / About the publisher /
